Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Premier Chris Minns have announced the federal and state governments will be jointly investing $60 million into a Hunter Net Zero Manufacturing Centre of Excellence at the TAFE NSW Tighes Hill Campus in Newcastle.
The Centre will provide apprenticeships and courses aimed at delivering the education, skills, and opportunities needed for Hunter workers to secure quality, well paid jobs in the emerging renewables and related industries.
The Centre will also offer short courses and establish a National Renewable Energy Microskills Marketplace, aimed at upskilling and supporting current workers seeking career development and transition.
Increasing the number of apprentices – particularly in trades such as electrotechnology, engineering, manufacturing and mechatronics – is vital to ensuring NSW and Australia have the skills to transition mining, energy and manufacturing industries as Australia reaches net zero by 2050.
The Hunter region is a key focus for emerging renewables and related industries like offshore wind thanks to our industrial history, skilled workforce, and ideal geography. Hunter Offshore Wind itself is projected to create upwards of 10,000 jobs directly and indirectly.