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Energy Minister Chris Bowen meets with offshore wind opponents

Hunter Workers

Port Stephens fishing and tourism industry representatives met with Energy Minister Chris Bowen earlier this week in Canberra to discuss Hunter offshore wind.

In the meeting, community representatives expressed concerns about potential impacts on fishing and tourism, and the private undertaking of feasibility studies. 

Chris Bowen said that he met with the representatives because the government is committed to genuine consultation. 

“The government will only be licensing projects that can co-exist alongside the environment and existing industry, such as fisheries, and deliver meaningful, long lasting community benefits.”

Worldwide, offshore wind farms have demonstrated their capacity to provide significant advantages to local communities by enhancing both fishing and tourism sectors. 

Offshore wind turbines attract fish and improve fish abundance and diversity, making the wind farms a highly desirable fishing location.

With comprehensive stakeholder consultation, stringent assessment, and careful planning, Hunter offshore wind could be a golden opportunity for fishing and tourism.

Australian Parliament House

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