​​Thousands of jobs to be created​​​​
​The commitment to maximise local content will mean thousands of guaranteed jobs for Hunter workers, employed directly in offshore wind and indirectly in transport, hospitality, services, and more. ​
​​​​Great career transition pathways & opportunities​
Hunter offshore wind jobs will provide quality career transition opportunities and pathways for young, mid and late-career workers from various backgrounds. ​​
​​​​Skill development and training​​
Hunter offshore wind will upskill local workers and generate career and skill development, with workers in the traditional power generation sector set to benefit the most. ​​
3,000+ direct jobs, in secure, well paid work
7,000+ indirect jobs, in transport, hospitality & more
Around 70% of traditional power workers already have the core skills needed for offshore wind
Hunter Offshore Wind is great for local workers.​
Learn more about what offshore wind jobs could look like here.

"Hunter offshore wind is an incredible opportunity for the creation of quality jobs and energy security while enormously reducing our impact on the environment."
Leigh Shears
Hunter Workers Secretary